Prepare for Impact. Anese Cavanaugh helps people and businesses unlock the super power that is their presence. We helped Anese unlock what makes IEP so powerful.
Anese speaking live at the at the Inbound 2016 Summit.
People often think that in order to have real impact in the world, they need to get great at “doing:” Collaborating, communicating, crunching numbers, crunching abs ….
In reality, what creates impact is so simple it’s often overlooked: Your presence. How you set your intention and direct your energy in every interaction.
This simple yet powerful methodology — called Intentional Energetic Presence, or IEP — is Anese Cavanaugh’s “secret sauce.” As a go-to advisor for innovative organizations like IDEO, Anese uses IEP to transform cultures by transforming the way people show up.
The Project
“My life’s work is helping people create the impact they want in the world,” says Anese. “After decades leading teams and facilitating transformation on the ground level with companies, I knew it was time to expand my platform. I wanted to reach a LOT of people, from a big stage, focusing on the ideas and inspiration behind my work.”
We began with an anthropological dig into Anese’s approach and beliefs — deep, one-on-one interviews that unearthed hidden themes and personal anecdotes. Together we honed this material into a tight story arc that engaged the audience, outlined the big ideas, and broke down IEP in a way that could be applied immediately, while still leaving audiences hungry to learn more.
Anese and Alison Macondray brainstorming ideas at Mayacamas Ranch.
We also created a unique, highly iconic look for Anese’s slides — one that allows her audience to identify personally with her message. The mood is bold, colorful, profound, and playful, just like Anese.
The Results
Anese has presented this dynamic new talk across the U.S. and in Europe, with other global engagements in the works. Thanks to the flexible slide deck, she can now speak in a large arena in the morning and repurpose slides for interactive workshops in the afternoon, creating continuity for her teachings and brand.
New speaking opportunities have poured in, from a featured slot at the prestigious Inc. Women’s Summit conference in New York to an invitation from All American Speakers Bureau to join their select roster. As for participants, they describe Anese’s presentation as “inspiring,” “life-changing,” and “what’s missing from leadership.” Hello, impact.
Key visuals from the IEP Talk
Client: Anese Cavanaugh
Project: Intentional Energetic Presence
Services: Script writing, presentation design